Monday, May 11, 2009

Introduction to An Active Teen's Diet

Nutrition, as we all know is very important to the health of our body. For active teens especially this is very important. Active teens are always doing something physically related, and if you are not eating very nutritious foods, then your health-related components of fitness will be harmed. We all want to eat that McDonald's hamburger, or the KFC fried chicken, but is that really the best food for your body? The answer is no, those foods are not even close to being healthy for you. You might say that the burger is probably loaded with protein. Which it is, but did you stop to look at the fat content? We are not trying to say that don't ever eat any of these tasty foods, but use the rule of moderation when deciding to indulge in these foods. Rather, we are wanting to you to decide on something healthier, maybe like a piece of grilled chicken, or instead of those french fries, have a baked potato. Active teens need to consume more calories in a day then an adult. Of course, this is because they are much more active and burn off those calories faster then adults do. The purpose of this blog is to educate teenagers into making nutritious choices to better their health.

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